L-Shaped Floater 923

SKU: 923 Categories: ,

Dimensions: 1/2″ x 3-3/4″

Depth to bottom shelf: 3-1/4″
Width of bottom shelf: 1-7/8″

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(Mitered Chop Only)
Measurements inchesfeet
Length is sold by the Lineal Foot with a minimum order of 20 LF. You will recieve an assortment of sizes ranging from 4' to 8'. Some items are available in 9 or 10' lengths but will need to be shipped by truck freight. Enter Quantity above.
Frame orders use a minimum of 4 LF per frame.
Finished corner orders use a minimum of 5 LF per frame.

This frame is oversize. Please request a quote.

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Not available in this finish.

Chops and frames are made with every effort to ensure that all four rails are of a similar color and grain. When possible, we cut each chop or frame from a single piece of moulding. Multiple chops or frames are not selected to match one another unless specified, in which case there will be an extra charge added in the cart.

Learn More: Picture Frame Terminology