Picture Frame Wood Species

Your custom picture frame is defined by the wood species you choose, as they each have distinct characteristics and attributes.

Solid wood frames are meant to complement any artwork or image on display, and should be selected accordingly.

This page describes the custom picture frame wood species we offer, the effects aging has on wood color, and varied appearances due to grain. To best determine the ideal species for your custom framing project, it helps to familiarize yourself with colors, grains and other characteristics of each wood species. We offer products in the following woods.

Since the grain varies with the profile, there are two pictures of each type of wood: Face Grain and Edge Grain pictures.

Color Changes

For some woods, such as Cherry and Walnut, aging is the crowning touch. Ultraviolet light, oxidation, and handling all contribute to the patina of an old piece of wood, whichever specie it is. However, Cherry and Walnut respond to these effects more quickly and dramatically than many others. Strangely enough, while Cherry darkens with age, Walnut lightens – isn’t wood grand? The most obvious resulting color change is usually within the first few years, though minor changes will take place for many years.

In addition to our traditional natural finish, we offer a line of stained finishes that help achieve a similar look without the wait time.

Need help choosing the best wood species for your next custom picture frame project? Contact us for recommendations.


A coarse but generally straight-grained wood with almost-white sapwood. With a very open grain, it is very similar to the more popular Oak.

Edge Grain
Ash − Raw (R) − Edge
Face Grain
Ash − Raw (R) − Face


Fine straight grain with even texture. Very soft and often has brown spots and streaks. Usually painted or covered with linen or silk.

Edge Grain
Basswood − Raw (R) − Edge
Face Grain
Basswood − Raw (R) − Face


Fine-textured wood that is usually straight-grained. Pinkish-brown to light red with occasional black gum lines or pockets. A rich character is enhanced by aging.

Edge Grain
Cherry − Raw (R) − Edge
Face Grain
Cherry − Raw (R) − Face


Hard, heavy, fine-textured wood. White to off-white coloring.

Edge Grain
Maple − Raw (R) − Edge
Face Grain
Maple − Raw (R) − Face

Quartered White Oak

Sawn for its secondary “ray fleck” graining figure and extreme stability.

Edge Grain

Face Grain
Face Grain unavailable in this type of wood

Red Oak

Straight grain with coarse texture; very hard. What most people think of when you say “hardwood.”

Edge Grain
Oak − Raw (R) − Edge
Face Grain
Oak − Raw (R) − Face


Somewhat coarse and usually straight-grained, but can be very wavy. Rich dark brown to purplish satin black, occasionally tan or streaked with lighter colors.

Edge Grain
Walnut − Raw (R) − Edge
Face Grain
Walnut − Raw (R) − Face

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